O que muitos consideram apenas lixo e descartam em qualquer lugar e de qualquer foma, são para outros uma forma mais que digna de levar o pão de cada dia para dentro de casa e ainda limpa a sujeira feita por quem não tem consciência. Tenha consciência e preserve o meio ambiente não descarte este material em qualquer local.
What many consider junk and just discard anywhere and any foma, others are for a more than worthy way to bring the daily bread for indoors and even clean up the mess made by those who have no conscience. Be aware and preserve the environment does not dispose of this material in any location.
What many consider junk and just discard anywhere and any foma, others are for a more than worthy way to bring the daily bread for indoors and even clean up the mess made by those who have no conscience. Be aware and preserve the environment does not dispose of this material in any location.